· Trying to learn how to use excel better at work I need to try and find the percentage of staff who have completed training so let's say 30 staff and in the B column are all the dates Ie how do I work out the percentage of the number of staff with dates next to there names Then could I put the total percentage onto a different page · Source Excel Formula Not Working (wallstreetmojocom) #1 Cells Formatted as Text Now let's look at the solutions for the reasons given above for the excel formula not working Now take a look at the first possibility of formula showing the formula itself, not the result of the formulaI have a spreedsheet that shows some percentages example( 998% and 1587%) I am needing to find a way to hide the percentage sign so that they just show as 998 and 1587 The problem I am having is that are been worked out as a percentage, so changing the format of the cell does not work
Use Excel S Conditional Formatting Feature To Display Simple Icons Techrepublic