Press CtrlEnter to enter the formula and stay in the current cell Format the calculation as a percentage by using the % icon on the Home tab To use the format 92% (that is, one decimal place) instead of 9%, choose the Increase Decimal icon In cell C2, doubleclick the fill handle to copy the formula down to the other rowsExcel Calculate a Running Percentage of Total This page is an advertisersupported excerpt of the book, Power Excel 1013 from MrExcel 567 Excel Mysteries Solved If you like this topic, please consider buying the entire ebookUnderstand, first of all, that a percentage is simply a part divided by a whole times one hundred If you have the part (such as a student score) and the whole (such as the total points possible on the assignment), Excel's percentage calculator can do the rest!
Ms Excel 07 Show Totals As A Percentage Of Grand Total In A Pivot Table
Excel powerpivot calculate percentage of total